Sunday, December 14, 2008

Boredoms - 77 Boadrum (Retail)

Drum leaders:
01 - Hisham Bharoocha (Soft Circle / Pixeltan)
02 - Tim Dewit (Gang Gang Dance)
03 - Brian Chippendale (Lightning Bolt)
04 - Dave Nuss (No Neck Blues Band / Under Satans Sun)
05 - Jaiko Suzuki (Electro Putas)
06 - Jesse Lee (White Magic)
07 - Ryan Sawyer (Tall Firs / Stars Like Fleas)
08 - Kid Millions (Oneida)
09 - Andy McLeod (Howling Hex / Modest Mouse)
10 - Aaron Moore
11 - Robin Easton

Other drummers:
12 - Sara Lund (Unwound)
13 - Jim Black
14 - Andrew W.K.
15 - Butchy Fuego (Pit Er Pat)
16 - Miggie (Blood On The Wall)
17 - Brian Tamborello (Psychic Ills)
18 - Andee Connors (A Minor Forest / Lumen)
19 - John Moloney (Sunburned Hand of the Man)
20 - Taylor Richardson (Sunburned Hand of the Man)
21 - Chris Millstein
22 - Abby Portner (First Nation)
23 - Aviram Cohen (Soiled Mattress and The Springs)
24 - Allison Busch (Awesome Color)
25 - Warren Huegel (Tussle)
26 - Nathan Corbin (Excepter)
27 - Clare Amory
28 - Jonathan Lockie (Sightings)
29 - Josh Bonati (Aa)
30 - Nadav Havusha (Aa)
31 - Aron Wahl (Aa)
32 - Jeffrey Salane (Panthers)
33 - Jim Sykes
34 - David Aron (Koi Pond)
35 - Michael Catano
36 - Spencer Herbst (Matta Lama)
37 - Jim Siegel (Cul De Sac and Damo Suzuki)
38 - Mike Pride (MDC, FUSHITSUSHA, John Zorn, Otomo Yoshihide)
39 - Nick DeCarmine
40 - Marianne Kozlowski (The Punks)
41 - Than Luu (M. Ward)
42 - Dave Bergander (Celebration)
43 - Michael Evans (God Is My Co-Pilot)
44 - Andrya Ambro
45 - Justin DeRosa
46 - Hart Mingus (Negative Approach)
47 - Matthias Schulz (Enon/Holy Fuck)
48 - Josh Madell (Antietam, Other Music)
49 - Matt (No Neck Blues Band)
50 - Jim Abramson (Dymaxion)
51 - Oran Canfield (Child Abuse)
52 - Adriana Magaña (Crash Worship)
53 - Keith Connolly (No Neck Blues Band)
54 - Travis Harrison
55 - Jared Barron
56 - Jason Kourkounis (Delta 72 / Hot Snakes)
57 - Eric Cohen (Caroliner)
58 - Daniel Franz (Arbouretum)
59 - Christopher Brokaw (Codeine)
60 - Jared Burak (Wet Cement)
61 - Christopher Powell (Icy Demons/Man Man)
62 - Sadie Laska (I.U.D.)
63 - Pete Vogl (Koi Pond)
64 - Barbara Schauwecker
65 - AJ Edminson (Favourite Sons)
66 - David Grubbs
67 - John McSwain (VICE)
68 - Dave Abramson (Climax Golden Twins)
69 - Alan Licht
70 - Rick Prior
71 - Kayrock
72 - Dave LeBleu (Prefuse 73/Mercury Program)
73 - Lizzy Bougatsos (Gang Gang Dance)
74 - Alianna Kalaba (We Ragazzi)


Boredoms - 77 Boadrum

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Jesus and Mary Chain - The Power of Negative Thinking

The Jesus and Mary Chain - The Power of Negative Thinking: B-Sides & Rarities

Four disc Jesus and Mary Chain box set. full of goodness.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mutators - Secret Life

Part of the nth-gen No Wave movement, which crazily enough has survived this long, from a few dozen people milling about downtown New York in the very late ‘70s and very early ‘80s, into the same, and often even smaller, numbers in various patches of youth around the globe. Canada in particular houses a lot of these types of bands, some better than others, and some just not good at all. Mutators, from Vancouver, buck this trend, kids who take this sound from a predominantly punk/agitated perspective, and who don’t rely on weirdness, antics, or obtuse musicianship. They get their punk from geographic proclivities, the guitars, synths, and caffeinated drumming all hand-me-downs from Olympia riot peeps of the ‘90s (everything from Heavens to Betsy’s seasick protests to Unwound’s SY-detuned detournments is accounted for on Secret Life, album #1 following a healthy dose of singles and splits). But the most noticeable aspect of their sound is the harsh, screamy attack of vocalist Lief Hall, who can go from stormy art-school chanteuse to slasher victim like she’s flipping a switch. Those vocals can sometimes overpower the music, and have been a barrier of entry on previous efforts, but here things manage to blend in more successfully, due in no small part to the band learning more about how to groove, and finding joys in syncopation, not just dissonance and squalor. Really good stuff from a band that keeps getting better.

Mutators - Secret Life
Mediafire Download

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wet Hair

Wet Hair is the new solo outing of Raccoo-oo-oon member Shawn Reed. Cult vibe organ drone, slowed down tape hiss percussion warble, and chanted vocal bathed in echo, provide the basics for Irifi, a lone march across a desert, these are droney reverberations tinted with pop influence cloaked in the dark , music for vampires.

Ifiri c20

Wet Hair 1 Sided 12"

08 Tour Cassette c30

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Jah Wobble - A Legend Lives On...Jah Wobble in Betrayal

Jah Wobble (born John Wardle) got his musical career started with John Lydon's post-Sex Pistols group Public Image Ltd (PiL). His trademark bass playing drew heavily on dub, which has remained an important feature of his music. Wobble left his signature mark on PiL's seminal second album Metal Box released in 1980. However, he grew increasingly frustrated by the lacklustre creative atmosphere in the band, besides differences in artistic vision, further conflicts were brought on in part by heavy drug and alcohol abuse in the band . Wobble then went on to recording and releasing his debut album The Legend Lives on - Jah Wobble in Betrayal, and found himself accused by other PiL members of having made unauthorized use of material from Metal Box for the making of Betrayal, there upon he then left PiL in late 1980.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


Crass is the band that is often credited with starting the anarcho-punk movement. Even if they didn't start it, they sure were the most actively involved. It also seems like the more I find out about them, the more I love them. Anyways, Crass started in 1977 using music as a means to deliver their message. The Feeding of the 5000 was their first album from 1978. When they originally went to get it pressed, the people at the pressing plant wouldn't let them press the first song, Asylum, because of the lyrical content. They removed the track and replaced it with 2 minutes of silence, and titled the song The Sound of Free Speech. Later, when they released it on their own Crass Records, they replaced the song and titled the album The Feeding of the 5000 (The Second Sitting). If you want to learn anything more about Crass (which there is a lot of interesting information about), visit this website: Crass Official Website

The Feeding of the 5000 (1978)

Stations of the Crass (1979)

Penis Envy (1981)

Christ - The Album (1982)

Yes Sir, I Will (1983)